Danish Quantum Community formally established

Wednesday 01 Sep 21
Danish Quantum Community has now been established as an independent association with the purpose of supporting quantum technology in Denmark. DTU is among the founding partners.

On August 31, an inaugural general assembly decided to formally establish Danish Quantum Community as an independent non-profit association with the purpose of increasing national awareness about quantum technology, improving the conditions for research and innovation and promoting applications of quantum technology to the benefit of Danish society.

Danish Quantum Community is an association for quantum technology stakeholders across research, industry, and business, and the founding partners include both universities, trade organisations, large industries and enterprises as well as start-up companies. From DTU, both DTU Fotonik and DTU Physics are among the founding partners.

Danish Quantum Community will serve as a point of reference for quantum technology in Denmark and among the planned actions can be mentioned close interaction with relevant ministeries, continued organisation of national conferences and events, and an upcoming publication of Danish Quantum Agenda which is the associations recommendations and call for action for Denmark to maintain its competitive edge in the field and benefit from it commercially. 

