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Artwork by Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen (author) illustrating the cluster state generated in our work.
18 OCT

Tæppe af lys kan give bedre kvantecomputere

DTU-forskere har skabt et ‘tæppe’ af tusindvis af kvantemekanisk sammenfiltrede lyspulser, som har potentiale til at bane vejen for stærkere kvantecomputere.

Quantum theory and atomic physics Lasers Optics
18 OCT

Blanket of light may give better quantum computers

A ‘blanket’ of thousands of quantum-mechanically entangled light pulses has the potential to pave the way for more powerful quantum computers.

Quantum theory and atomic physics Lasers Optics
Anders Bjarklev speaking at the bigQ opening ceremony
12 JAN

bigQ opened with a squeeze

BigQ was officially inaugurated on 12 January 2018 at a ceremony involving mobile-controlled squeezing, James Bond, cluster states, and diamond cheese.

02 NOV

Vanguard of quantum society

A new basic research centre at DTU aims to secure Denmark a leading international position in the field of quantum technology. At the same time, the University is advancing...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics
Professor Ulrik Lund Andersen forsker i kvanteinformationsteknologier og er leder af kvanteinformationsgruppen på DTU Fysik
26 APR

Ulrik Lund Andersen modtager stor bevilling til nyt grundforskningscenter

Bevillingen fra Danmarks Grundforskningsfond går til et Center of Excellence ledet af Professor på DTU Fysik Ulrik Lund Andersen. Centeret skal sikre DTU Fysik en førende...

Quantum theory and atomic physics Lasers Magnets Sensors Computer calculations Systems and data security Telecommunication Physics
14 DEC

The quantum computers of the future will work equally well with encrypted and...

When future users of quantum computers need to analyze their data or run quantum algorithms, they will often have to send encrypted information to the computer. Because...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics Systems and data security
29 NOV

Squeezed states of light can improve feedback cooling significantly

In a recent proof-of-principle experiment, published in Nature Communications, researchers from DTU Physics have demonstrated how quantum-engineered states of light can...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics Lasers Light sources
Photo: DTU
13 OCT

DTU receiving share of DKK 20 million for new research facilities

The Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science has allocated DKK 20 million (EUR 2.7 million) for new quantum technology research facilities at the University of...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics
25 AUG

Is it possible to prepare quantum states of “heavy” objects?

A new project at DTU Physics has set out to examine whether heavy objects like cantilevers and springs can be steered into quantum states. The question is one of the most...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics Sensors
07 APR

The beginning of commercial quantum technology

So far, quantum physics has mainly been a theoretical discipline. Now, a major EURO 10,7 million investment by Innovation Fund Denmark will further develop the mysterious...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics Sensors Systems and data security Health and diseases
07 JAN

A top five research of the year

Every year in December the Danish journal Ingeniøren elects the best Danish research results of the year in the fields of natural and technical sciences. Among the 2015...

Cyber security Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics Systems and data security
11 AUG

A gentle quantum touch with high precision

Highly sensitive measurements of biological samples can be realized by laser light in e.g. an optical microscope. However, light might also damage or alter the fragile...

Photo: DTU Physics
11 AUG

A gentle quantum touch with high precision

Highly sensitive measurements of biological samples can be realized by laser light in e.g. an optical microscope. However, light might also damage or alter the fragile...

Secure internet communication
29 MAY

One step closer to secure Internet communication

Every day, most of us transmit personal data over the Internet. Secure communication is thus an absolute necessity. In a new article in Nature Photonics, researchers...

Quantum theory and atomic physics Lasers Systems and data security Telecommunication