
Published articles and theses from QPIT/bigQ.

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2024 roadmap on magnetic microscopy techniques and their applications in materials science

Christensen, D. V. ; Staub, U. ; Devidas, T. R. ; Kalisky, B. ; Nowack, K. C. ; Webb, J. L. ; Andersen, U. L. ; Huck, A. ; Broadway, D. A. ; Wagner, K. ; Maletinsky, P. ; van der Sar, T. ; Du, C. R. ; Yacoby, A. ; Collomb, D. ; Bending, S. ; Oral, A. ; Hug, H. J. ; Mandru, A. O. ; Neu, V. ; Schumacher, H. W. ; Sievers, S. ; Saito, H. ; Khajetoorians, A. A. ; Hauptmann, N. ; Baumann, S. ; Eichler, A. ; Degen, C. L. ; McCord, J. ; Vogel, M. ; Fiebig, M. ; Fischer, P. ; Hierro-Rodriguez, A. ; Finizio, S. ; Dhesi, S. S. ; Donnelly, C. ; Büttner, F. ; Kfir, O. ; Hu, W. ; Zayko, S. ; Eisebitt, S. ; Pfau, B. ; Frömter, R. ; Kläui, M. ; Yasin, F. S. ; McMorran, B. J. ; Seki, S. ; Yu, X. ; Lubk, A. ; Wolf, D. ; Pryds, N. ; Makarov, D. ; Poggio, M.
in: JPhys Materials, vol: 7, issue: 3

Type: Review (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


8 GBit/s real-time quantum random number generator with non-iid samples

Gehring, Tobias ; Lupo, Cosmo ; Kordts, Arne ; Solar Nikolic, Dino ; Jain, Nitin ; Pedersen, Thomas B. ; Pirandola, Stefano ; Andersen, Ulrik L.
in: arXiv

Type: Journal article

Status: Submitted     |    Year: 2024


Contextuality witness inspired by optimal state discrimination

Roch I Carceller, Carles ; Brask, Jonatan Bohr
in: Physical Review A, vol: 109, issue: 3

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Fabrication of high tilt angle YBa2Cu3O x thin films by pulsed laser deposition

Mozhaev, Peter B. ; Hansen, Jørn Bindslev ; Jacobsen, Claus S.
in: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, vol: 130, issue: 1

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Generation of luminescent defects in hBN by various irradiation methods

Carbone, Amedeo ; Geilen, Leonard ; Figueiredo, Johannes ; Bendixen-Fernex de Mongex, Diane-Pernille ; Kastl, Christoph ; Huck, Alexander ; Holleitner, Alexander ; Wubs, Martijn ; Leitherer-Stenger, Nicolas
Presented at:
National Optics Congress 2024

Type: Poster (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Generation of luminescent defects in hBN by various irradiation methods

Carbone, Amedeo ; Geilen, Leonard ; Figueiredo, Johannes ; Bendixen-Fernex de Mongex, Diane-Pernille ; Kastl, Christoph ; Huck, Alexander ; Holleitner, Alexander ; Wubs, Martijn ; Leitherer-Stenger, Nicolas
Presented at:
National Optics Congress 2024

Type: Conference abstract for conference (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


InAs(P)/InP QDs as sources of single indistinguishable photons at 1.55 µm

Vajner, Daniel A. ; Wasiluk, Maja ; Holewa, Pawel ; Ostój-Zięba, Emilia ; von Helversen, Martin ; Sakanas, Aurimas ; Huck, Alexander ; Yvind, Kresten ; Gregersen, Niels ; Musial, Anna ; Syperek, Marcin ; Semenova, Elizaveta ; Heindel, Tobias
Presented at:
12th International Conference on Quantum Dots

Type: Conference abstract for conference (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution over 100-km fiber with local local oscillator

Hajomer, Adnan A E ; Derkach, Ivan ; Jain, Nitin ; Chin, Hou-Man ; Andersen, Ulrik L ; Gehring, Tobias
in: Science Advances, vol: 10, issue: 1

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


On-Demand Generation of Indistinguishable Photons in the Telecom C-Band Using Quantum Dot Devices

Vajner, Daniel A. ; Holewa, Paweł ; Zięba-Ostój, Emilia ; Wasiluk, Maja ; von Helversen, Martin ; Sakanas, Aurimas ; Huck, Alexander ; Yvind, Kresten ; Gregersen, Niels ; Musiał, Anna ; Syperek, Marcin ; Semenova, Elizaveta ; Heindel, Tobias
in: ACS Photonics, vol: 11, issue: 2, pages: 339-347

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:
27 JULY 2024