Paper published: Qudi: A modular python suite for experiment control and data processing

Thursday 02 Feb 17


Tobias Gehring
Associate Professor
DTU Physics
+45 93 51 16 49


Alexander Huck
Associate Professor
DTU Physics
+45 45 25 33 43


Ulrik Lund Andersen
Professor, Section leader
DTU Physics
+45 45 25 33 06

Together with our collaborators from University of Ulm we published a
paper about the next generation lab instrument control software Qudi in
the journal SoftwareX [1]. Qudi is a python 3 framework for controlling
laboratory experiments. The core feature set comprises a graphical user
interface, live data visualization, distributed execution over networks,
rapid prototyping via Jupyter notebooks, configuration management, and
data recording.

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19 APRIL 2024